Friday, July 20, 2007

This is the last day of computer camp
I had alot of fun today.

This is me and scott on the last day of camp
he tought me alot about the computer like
how to make blogs.

Benjamin franklin

was born in boston

his mother was also
a Abiah folder
and the second wif of

intened forBenjamin
to go to the eclergy.

he was the tenth son of

the soap maker.
This is were I got my

Thursday, July 19, 2007

My name is Benjamin I like playstion games and games on the computer.

I like to play basketball my best show is burn notice.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

My Pictures

I'm eating.

us on the stairs of the library.

I'm eating and talking too.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

about me

my name is Benjamin I am in computer camp I am eight i live in albany. My best movie is media goes to jail my best show isburn notice.

I go to giffen elamenty. Ilike to play basketball my best raper is akon and lil wane my best singer is Beyonce.

Monday, July 16, 2007

this is my first post

Hello my name is Benjamin. This is my first post of computer camp. I am 8 year old. I played. dragonfable today.